Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The owner of El Coyote (the LA landmark w/ cheap & mediocre food & maggies) is a Mormon who contributed to "Yes on 8".  It is very likely that she gives LOTS of our gay dollars to the Mormon church-- after all, that's what they instruct her to do, and she says she followed their instruction in giving to "Yes on 8".

I attended this morning's community lunch at El Coyote.

No cameras were allowed.  We were ushered into the very back room and waiters/tresses took orders, though most accepted only water.  There were several reporters there from gay publications mostly.

A young neighborhood patron (a regular?) of El C. started the meeting asking for polite behavior and respect.

The manager (for 28 years) spoke of how Majorie's contribution had nothing to do w/ the restaurant and what a happy family it is and how many people & families depend on it for their livelihood.

The crowd was mostly very polite as Marjorie shakily stood and read a lengthy statement.  She was supported by two younger (40s or 50s) women, perhaps her daughters.

There was nothing new in her statement.  Marjorie went to great lengths to say how they support gay people and to highlight the history of the restaurant (started by her aunt).  She talked a great deal about how it was a loving place and about "family".  She made it sound like El. C. was very beneficent with their money, never acknowledging that much of their money (millions of dollars over the years) comes from the gay community, or other patrons.

A few of us interrupted her along the way to point out that "family" or "friends" don't deny civil rights to others.

She reiterated that she's been a Mormon all her life and the church asked her to contribute (plenty of Mormons DIDN'T contribute and some--  like Bringham Young's great-great-great grandson and San Francisco 49er Steve Young-- were brave enough to openly oppose the Mormon church's stance)

One guy asked if she'd give a like amount to repeal prop 8.  No.

Someone said that if that was all she had to say, it wasn't enough and we were done.  

I asked her if she was FOR gay marriage.  No.

At that point I was done, although many stayed much longer.

Many say "it's not the RESTAURANT" that supported "Yes on 8", or "what about the employees?".

Marjorie's actions have started a very unfortunate chain of events.  BUT...

The way I see it, El Coyote and Marjorie have taken in millions of gay dollars over the years. Clearly they LOVE gay dollars.   Marjorie is probably a very wealthy woman, who gives 10% to the Mormon church as they instruct.  

Marjorie and El Coyote happily take gay dollars and just as happily strive to take away gay rights.  

She probably does actually believe that she likes gay people.  But without allowing us our rights, I'd rather be hated to my face than "loved" by Marjorie or anyone else.  I don't need her to like me, I don't need her to serve me lousy margaritas or host a "community lunch".  I DO need her to support my civil rights-- as I would hers-- whether she agrees with them or not.

If I took her marriage away, do you think she'd be buying my enchiladas?

I'm truly sorry about the employees there being impacted.  But sorry folks, CIVIL RIGHTS COME ABOVE ALL ELSE.  How do you suppose the Nazis marched Jews out of neighborhoods in front of all the other residents?  Because folks felt bad for the employees of the local shops and didn't want to disturb things?  Because folks didn't want to make waves.  Because otherwise decent people let their neighbors' civil rights be trampled.

People (even young, gay margarita-loving people) are too polite and don't want to upset anyone or anything.

Marjorie is a sweet old woman.

She's entitled to support any political (or religious) cause she likes.

And when these records are made public, I'm entitled to respond.

When it comes to Civil Rights, the only response is to defend them as vigorously as possible at every opportunity.

Please spread the word.  El Coyote is a no no.  (way better food available in this town anyway).


Boycott El Coyote



They take your gay dollars (millions of them) to destroy Gay Civil Rights.

Defend your Civil Rights!

No more gay dollars for hatred.